- Lean in and feel the feelings, its the only way to process and grow.
- The darkness (both in the feeling and process) always leads to stronger and longer-lasting light.
- When your mind tells you you've reached your limits, pause, listen, figure out if its fear of failure, and when it is; pause breathe and push forward.
- Self-acceptance doesn't equal self-love, rather opens the door for that process to start.
- Acceptance isn't complacency rather an important tool for change.
- Family exists, their acceptance and love doesn't determine your worth.
- Asking for help doesn't make people think less of you, rather it gives new options to connect.
- Sharing your pain and fears in a healthy way doesn't hurt healthy people, rather it builds bonds.
- When you build inner boundaries, the lack of them surrounding you doesn't impact you as much.
- The voice in your head telling you not to try and that everyone is watching is lying.
- Change and Growth are not linear, you will get to what feels like the same point, but with new tools and from a different view.
- Changes are not always constant continuous lines, sometimes they are small dots, keep going dots make pictures too.
- Cry. Let yourself be vulnerable and cry. Instead of leading yourself into an illusion of processing feelings by trying to block them out.
- The lies society spins about psychiatric medications and hospitals are just that-lies. The help is worth breaking through those societal barriers
- Respect the need for pauses both from mind or body, but let it just be a pause and not a full stop.
- You are what you say you are, so stop saying you aren't anyone worth saving and sharing with the world what you are.
- Keep trying to love yourself, in different ways at different times, never give up on yourself.
- Asking for help to save your own life is hard but makes living so much easier.
- It's really hard to save yourself, but not as hard as giving up on yourself.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
19 Lessons I learned from 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Musings from the Bench
Friday, December 13, 2019
Donut Deliberations
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Personal North Star
This complicated relationship led me to a long while of pulling away from any version of god and religion, I wanted to be in charge of my own life, including the choices and outcomes. I didn't want any connection with something or idea of some kind of god that removed my individual thoughts, actions, goals, and ideas. This lead to pulling back from anything of any sort of religion and focusing on myself, regardless of my enjoyment of reading some religious texts, I cut it all out.
These thoughts came to the surface when I started listening to the book Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein, a main focus in her book is connecting to a higher power, labeled in any way that works for you to connect. To be able to let go in some areas of life while gaining a lot more in many ways. When I first heard this I balked, I said it sounds like everything else I've heard a hundred times and I want nothing of this god that takes all the responsibility out of my own actions in my life. The more I listened and relistened I understood more of the point that it is creating a personal channel with a higher power in the world to create balance and growth inside you, to give you direction in which to use your skills and abilities in the best way to change the world. Creating the balance of what you want to achieve and what the universe has for you as well. After I realized this wouldn't be the worst thing in my life, maybe it could create a different balance and a release of some of the non-helpful responsibilities. I have piled on many different "types" of responsibilities in order to keep control of my life around me, most of them don't work because at the end of the day, they make me stressed and anxious without any ability to change most of it.
The first thought I had when I came to this conclusion was "You have heard this 100x times, in many different forms of religious/ Chassidic words, written, spoken, discussed. Why does it take listening to a non-Jewish book to somehow connect and hit me in a place that created a desire to create a personal name and connection to something larger than me." It took a conversation with someone close to me to come to the conclusion of "whatever way of connection and an ability to process an idea is great, just because you have heard it in many different ways, you connected with this one, so run with it." Among Gabrielle's many different words she threw out for connection with a higher power was "North Star".This term spoke to me on a few levels, firstly I love nature and love the idea of finding the north star in the forest or by the ocean. Secondly, part of my very detailed and personal tattoo (I'll go into detail in another post on the meaning of the tattoo) is the form of a compass and the four directions. I love the idea of being able to look at my arm and be reminded amongst other things to connect and listen to the information coming through the personal connection to the universe and find the calm and direction from my channel with the universe. I am still in charge of my actions and goals, yet I am able to focus and listen to the inner connection between me and my north star.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Balancing Listening and Self Hate
Sunday, September 29, 2019
This Last Year in review
- Finding and living my authentic self is the hardest journey with the most rewarding views, along the ever-changing path of life.
- Finding your north star changes through the storms but is always there.
- Identity evolves. The question is are you listening and willing to evolve or are you going to try and lock up the evolution.
- Fine is my "cop-out" word for saying something is wrong. When that is the mantra running through my head I'm heading down the wrong path.
- Feeling and processing pain is the only way to find an equilibrium of honesty in yourself.
- The fear of emotional pain is worse than the emotional pain, as the fear never ends and the pain does.
- Failure is rather healing, as hitting rock bottom removes the fear of hitting rock bottom.
- The balancing act is impossible if you give yourself no place to drop a ball you're juggling, after learning that all the balls cycle through you can focus on the ones you are holding at that time.
- Society's perception of health is engrained deeper than you think, and your own family pressures don't help. The stigma of Mental hospitals and wards depicted in society's movies and such, makes it harder to believe and trust that they are a place of healing, when in fact they are just another ward, like the neurological ward.
- Psychiatric medication isn't the devil, rather it gives you chemicals you are lacking in your brain that help you live your best self.
- The shame pushed on you by others and society stems from fear, breaking that cycle within yourself does not mean the rest of the world has moved on with you.
- Secrets rot, no matter how well you think you have packaged them away in the recesses of your brain are still there and only once you process and heal can you move forward.
- A healthy amount of pressure creates diamonds of success after the pressure cleans off failures and misconceptions.
- Tempering myself to the extent of losing my inner compass kills me, and doesn't help me fit in with those around me.
- Learning to put blinders on the idea of comparison to other people's perceived success, or even their own success leaves you way more energy to focus on your own path.
- The more you learn to give yourself patience, gives you more patience to build relationships with others.
- When driven by fear you end of in scarier places.
- The people looking for perfection are the ones not moving forward.
- The people who don't understand your honesty are usually afraid of not living their own.
- You can have many different facets at any time and they are all valid.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
The Fear of Always Being Broken
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Self Made Thought Blocks
Monday, August 5, 2019
Falling feelings like a Failing
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Fresh Showers of Tears
Monday, July 8, 2019
Hating the Fall after the Rise
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Self Inflicted Punishment
Monday, May 6, 2019
Locking up Life's Palettes
Emotions are the color to the black and white sketch of life. Many times colors clash when they meet, and at the moment it looks like a mess. But as time passes and the colors blend into a unique painting that only you created, only exist because you felt the colors rather than falling into the cycle of grey. Canvases get switched at each major event in life, paints of emotions you know continue with you. There, of course, is the option to learn and create new colors. They will then always be in your toolbox for future canvases of new realities. The blend of colors is controlled by your control of balance. The colors of emotions hit the page in jarring jabs and only time and healing create blends of beauty. Fighting the color just muddles your mind into a grey fog, which only is released by immense color.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Not living for today.....Living for the next five years
But there is an issue with just planning for the next month and the next semester,you get bogged down in the small details that at the end of the day have no long term impact on your plan. The plan that you need to have to keep you going on that daily path of functionality. There is only so much power in getting through today for tommorow,once you belive in the tommorow again. Now I need to sit down and reevealutate my dreams and build a loose plan to get to my dreams. Not to over plan-that is a problem I create when I plan out the smallest details and leave no room for life to flow beyond what I think can happen. I need to plan so I feel like I have goals and dreams I'm trying to achieve without creating too much of a pressurized reality that I collapse. It is far from easy but I think it will help me find deeper inner happiness that will be long-lasting. I will continue living for today,while also living for the next five,ten and fifteen years.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Loathing Of Self
The spiral of self-loathing always starts with self-anger and ends up in the dead end of self-loathing. The walls are lined with tools of self-hate each calling out words that already reverberate through my mind, blocking any thoughts of self-acceptance to come through. The refusal to accept myself in my given situation leads me down a path of self-elimination, in punishment for lack of consistent ability.
The failure to communicate my lack of ability makes it even worse, as I wake up with expectations of functionality, not even super high ones, just the ability to move somewhat functionally and not in constant pain. Those are all illusions my body seems to enjoy letting my brain tell me every morning. This breeds a delightful amount of self-doubt which digs its way onto the route of self-loathing, creating a maze that has no end, lined with tools for self-harm. Self-harm is a twisted tool which wears a mask of self-care lined on the illusion of a road to self-love.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Deserter of Defects
That uncomfortable feeling you're running from? The one you feel when looking at the minister, who in your mind is being exposed by the veil, unearthing imperfections, rather than keeping the illusion of perfection you have instilled upon the man of faith. The openness in which the minister shares what you assume to be his imperfections scares and shakes your sense of stability in your lair of lies.
Your lair of lies has been carefully crafted, leaving you space to judge and deem others full of imperfections, without ever casting a glance at your own defects. The veil couldn't possibly be a proper mirror, reflecting your own shortcomings. The black dye must be seeping from its wearer, your ability to see the black must mean you can help the wearer. It couldn't possibly be that your ability to see the black veil means that you are wearing one of your own, that everyone else can see, yet you refuse to acknowledge.
Deserting your path of growth and denying imperfections will lead you on a lonely icy path of solitude. When reality finally cracks the thin ice, no one will be around to save you from yourself.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Dreams and Disenchantment
The same mind-my mind in the span of 15 minutes,sparks a new idea plays out the perfect options as if the world was aligned and then disproves it all. Turning the spark ignited fury of flames into smoking travesty of embers.
Self deprecating demons leave half dead dreams on every doorstep to a new dream,reminding me of self failures, everlasting in my mind. Each half dead dream telling me I should try again while the demons just say "look at the mess you leave in your wake". Self worth has been banished from afar it tries to stoke the coals of dreams. Shiny dreams spark wars with the self destructive demons, if they even survive the battle scars to great to keep fighting.
The fight is hard to win when most of the time you don't believe your existence is worth fighting for.